Van Sales Mobile App
Order Taking & Delivery App for Android mobile phones enables van drivers and delivery persons to instantly make Spot Selling in Realtime connectivity with the back office. Order Bookers can book new orders for subsequent delivery. Adopting a distribution management strategy is important for a company’s financial success and corporate longevity.

Prof of Delivery -POD
Deliveries are always Geo Tagged in ZedDelivery. Each Order status when changed at Customer’s door step records its Geo location automatically. Similarly, Sales Returns, stocks damage and Shortages may be recorded with Proof of Delivery and seek approvals from the warehouse manager.
Cash Recoveries with Customer SMS
ZedDelivery binds your delivery persons to create Cash Receipts at customer’s place without delay. System generated SMS is received on Customer’s mobile phone instantly as Proof of cash receipt.
Connected Back Office
Inventory manager can even look at Van Inventory levels. All status changes due to the activity of sales person is updated on back office. Sales Rep can query customer balances and the transactional histories. Dashboards at the backend updates automatically with front end Apps.
Off Line Working
When VANs are moving in non-connectivity remote areas, ZedDelivery works fine offline and updates the backoffice with new data as the Sales Person reaches in connectivity area.
Advance Orders vs Spot Selling
Customer advance orders for coming days deliveries can be taken by the order bookers through mobile App. These orders sync into the order scheduler of the back-office inventory control system instantly. On the demanded date they automatically become the part of morning Van picklist.
ZedDelivery allows Delivery person to create a mobile phone order and execute a sale on the spot. This order readily become the part of Back office Sales report.
This dual feature of ZedDelivery makes it popular among both business strategies, either to book orders first and deliver against planned Van Inventory or to fill Van once in the morning without having planned orders in hand and do spot selling the whole day.